December 18, 2011


Anna Hazare
19-12-2011,  The dream of Anna to make a Lokpal bill is likely to be fulfilled today when the cabinet will clear the amended bill with inclusion of partially CBI investigating wing. The amended bill may be introduced on Tuesday in both houses of parliament for debate and passing out to become law.

Before, the bill is passed out, the definition of  corruption be refreshed.According to my mind, " A corruption is any act carried out against the laid down law by the country". The another definition is ""Wrong doing(Act) on the part of an authority or powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral, or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often results from patronage and is associated with bribery.

But doubts arise whether the success rates of Lokpal bill will be limited in vanishing corruption through out India unless bribers are not booked u/s 120B of IPC. Merely booking the corrupt officials will not serve the purpose for which the battle for enactment of Lokpal Bill is going on between government and Anna team.

Once any corrupt officer is caught red handed, besides booking him under prevention of corruption act or Lokpal act, the section 120B be also aggregated with others section, and corrupt officials be interrogated to know the major names of bribers who have been giving him corruption. Unless this procedure is not adopted, the over all result of lokpal will be blank, bleak, and black in wiping out the corruption which has engulfed our whole society and country men mentality.

Secondly, CBI or investing agency be given the power to raid any official posted at pecunary postion at his own besides complaint by sufferers because our sustem of working is such for one corrupt official there are many agent or liasion person who collect falitation tax to handover to to corrupt officials.

The corruption of prevention act is working well in nabbing the corrupt officials and booked thousands of them but instead of any demonstration effects on their colleagues, the corruption is on the increase in all department because the network of the agents and brokers were never broken down.

Today, RTO clerk was caught by Indore vigilance department with ill-gotten money of 50Crores, do think in others 565 districts of country are honest. No, there are all clerks corrupt in RTO offices of all districts of the country and they may be in numbered more than 2500, and an vigilance inquiry is ordered at the all of them, the result would be same, and you can find 20,000 crores of ill gotten money. You can find out with you logic and wit how much black money will be with ex-RTO or present RTO in each district if a single clerks owns 50 crores-this the black picture of our country.

The same position is at Tehsils(Registrar Revenue) in all over country, where you can find 100 crores black money with all tehsildars, and similar with the clerks of the tehsildars. Even deed writers own more than 50 plots in their names in many tehsil, and usually there are 10 t0 20 deed writers in each tehsil. How the Lokpal will deal with all these burglars.  

The lokpal bill was hanging in parliament for the last 43 years to become an act in free India to cope with cancer type corruption in government departments and in general public. But elected members were successful in lingering this bill to be passed out of parliament to take shape of Act on one pretext or another pretexts.

The corruption after 1980- when our late powerful prime minster Mrs. Indira Gandhi  spread like cancer in all departments, and system of 14% commission took place which every contractors had to give to officials and ill-gotten money so collected is equally distributed among all channel before reaching in the hands of politicians in states as well as centre.

How the lokpal will break the system of commission of 14% paid by contractors in PWD, Municipal committee, railway, MES, etc where bribe is collected by one person and distributed at the end of month proportionately among themselves. The money is also collected by the booking offices and honestly, the money is distributed amongst clerks, officials, train guards etc

The police at his own collects billions corrupt money through out India from allowing satta, he collects money from restaurants, dhabas, overloading trucks, prostitutes, thieves,  disposable goods(Kabari) selling shops, in the process of getting passports, in criminal cases for weakening the cases against accused. The police station are auctioned by the DGP of respective states and SHO are given free hands to collects ill-gotten money from criminals. In many cases, even, policemen have been caught for committing crime themselves and when aggrieved go to police station he has to write his complaints before the policemen who was culprit himself.

How the Lokpal bill will stop doctors from over charging from patients, from getting commission from pharmaceuticals companies, for giving and changing medical legal reports, similarly who will put rope on lawyers for charging fees . Alone, Shanti Bhushan made 200crores during his life time.
The biggest corruption is which the different Presidents of the shop keepers and industrialists collects from their members and pass on to drug , food, labour, provident, sale tax etc inspectors, so that they could do the business illegally not in accordance with the laid down law.

The biggest black money is generated by government in public distributed system. Government has himself admitted that in kerosine distribution alone generate nearly 10000 crore black money, the major chunk of black money go in the hands of truck carriers who carry kerosine supply who will stop them though to best of my knowedge so many truck owners have been booked for mal-practices but result is zero.

Government is benign enough yesterday when it cleared Food Security Bill, today, Food and Supply department will be very happy because they have given licence to loot at least 150000 crores out of  3.5 lacs crores of subsidy which will be released to fulfilled the dream of Congress presidents Mrs. Sonia Gandhi.  Most of the wheat which released for have-not is pumped to wheat millers though illegal system to generate black money.

The government himself is responsible for generation of black money though its subsidy linked scheme and there appears no end of the same unless the total quantum of money is not distributed to eligible Indians through electronic banking system by ministry because, the minsters at the helms of affairs collects black money through well established system of bribery from employees ranging from peon to financial commissions.

SOLUTION: The first thing to do for Lokpal is to catch all the deed writer through out India because only these licence knows being public servant who corrupt officials have invested black money in real estate, secondly, there is urgent needs to have eagle eyes on the policemen who are guardians of law but most corrupt from bottom to top. The politicians are being booked by lokayukta in different states and they are ot more than 20000 in the country as a whole and their assets can be checked in totality. But the Lokpal bill will be fruitless unless the bribers to government employees are not booked u/s 120B of IPC.

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