February 16, 2012

"Factors For Fall Of Anna Movement Against Corruption"...........................................Part-II


In continuation of  my last blog “Rise and fall of Anna team in public perception”, it was being expected that agitation started under the icon of Anna Hazare would continue till some it met a logical end and a law is enacted by elected members to weed out corruption from its roots but it fell short of expectation on account of failure on part of Anna team due to over bursting on many issue before achieving success though  they should not have even touched others issue.

Though, the Lokpal Bill as desired and drafted by Anna team to be passed as law in parliament,  had not been accepted in totality. The team has been changing their stand again and again on vital para’s of  their draft. Just like, firstly they criticised for giving autonomous status to Lokpal but latter accepted government version. 

It was also being felt that Anna Hazare and his team did not know about the ABC of causes of corruptions and  crusading only against employees and who only accept part of black money.

As you know that they never spoke against businessmen, mafia , land mafia, drug mafia,  land mafia, adulterators, hoarders, corporate’s who are continuously generating black money. People at large, were starting thinking that unless sources of generation of corrupt money is not stopped and curbed, how corruption can be eradicated from our society. 

Because, the people of society which are making black money, will continue to bribe the employees, judges and others officials to get their favour and to save their skin from the clutches of  law so that they could continue their under world operation.

Many of his supporters even did not approve of Anna team  flip-flop policy and speeches  on several issues, especially when he disowned city activists who were rapped by the Bombay high court. Even team did not learn any lesson from High court’s sarcastic judgement.

Anna projection to be incarnation of Gandhi could not go long when he used violent languages against slapping of Sharad Pawar and advocacy to beat corrupt officers. 

People who were following him as second Gandhi to lead country biggest agitation after Jai Parkash-very soon they could realised his natural mentality which does not fit well in the frame of  Gandhism so people who believe in non violence movement left him in lurch.

The others major reason why Anna’s movement failed is that his movement has become totally political. They were depending more and more on BJP and RSS support and continuously criticising congress for all sin of corruption . They were getting support but were not admitting that RSS is also supporting their movement against corruption. Having irked both BJP and Congress, RSS and general public pulled their hands off.

It was also their mistake to have thinking that only congress can got the Lokpal bill be passed in parliament forgetting that bill is passed after having debated by parliament not by ruling party alone.

 Anna agitation has no cadre but they had started throwing stones on national as well as regional parties who have better organisational capability besides cadre in whole part of India. Therefore,  they started loosing support on one hand of political parties and on another hand, the team had been criticising by poltical cadre for replication and Anna team arrogance and solipsism. 
Anna team instead of contesting election themselves to solve the country problems which they had been bogeying, were only flogging the elected member of parliament who also been elected by 42 crore voters all over country. It was appearing as team wanted the bill to be passed having strangulated the elected MP.  The arrogance of their short lived popularity have made them forgotten that the sentiments of the voters always remain with their leaders. Another reason for failure of Anna agitation was that all the team members have become highly arrogant and solipsist in nature due to unforeseen popularity in a few days and have been insulting with vulgarity during TV debate not only to the elected leaders but also others panel members who were amongst leading newspapers forgetting that this media had made them hero of nation over a night.

The team has crossed all limits when they even did not trust in prime minster written assurance that the Lokpal bill would be tabled in special called parliament session. No national citizen ever likes that the prime minister of the country be let down by any one. They had forgotten how L.K.Advani was shown way in urban constituency by voters all over country when he tried to malign prime minister, in last election. 

Last but not least, still nothing is lost if Anna recover from depression and shock  of failure of his agitation in Mumbai, and concentrate on one and only one “issue of corruption and black money” because neither he is economist nor retired diplomat or bureaucrat who knows about solution of country problem. 

He must say good bye to duo Bhushan company who has made 200 crore not by honesty alone. Poor know it well that both who talk about poor apathy only shed crocodile tears in public for want of popularity though efforts of Parshant Bhushan to fight against corruption can’t be ruled out. 

I ask,”Can any poor  hire their services in Supreme court- total hypocrisy looks for poor by duo Bhushan when they shed tears for poor”. And simple answer will come out-no and never.

 So, it is the time when Anna should think and ponder over in changing his team to achieve the desired goal to weed out corruption and make “ Corruption Free India”.

 I am sure that he can again succeed in his crusade and mission to remove corruption from India because corruption is the front agenda of the country and people do not believe and trust that corruption will ever be removed by any political parties because parties feed comes from black money as we have seen how black money is being used to allure voters in Panjab and Uttar Pardesh election.
__________________________________________________________________ "Democracy means- A government of the people, by the vote of the people, by the money of the people, and for the welfare of the people". Thanks

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