March 20, 2012

Why Voters Of UP Rejected Rahul Gandhi

12 March, 2012

After Uttar Pradesh election results, a pall of gloom descended on both the Congress and BJP head offices after declaration of election result on 6th March but the biggest defeat of Rahul Gandhi in Uttar Pardesh where he took the congress campaign as challenge to revive the congress in the states at grass root level but congress could only get 27 seats out of 406 which comes to merely 5% of total assembly seats of state. The result might have shattered Rahul Gandhi to think and think that why voters do not trust and like him again and again.
Defeat of Congress General Secretary, Rahul Gandhi in UP will unforgettable history for centuries to come. It is really irony that despite concerted efforts put by Rahul Gandhi, people did not trusted what he was saying during his campaign in UP. He put all his stakes in UP and promised to revive the party which has not tasted the power for the last 20 years. 
The big question is when Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi and Congress president failed to win assembly seats in their constituencies in Amethi and Raibrailley, how they will preach and teach congress worker about organization, and hard work to win assembly and Lok Sabha seats all over India.
Secondly, when Congress UP president Rita Bahuguna Joshi and election–in-charge Digvijay Singh  have offered resignation taking moral responsibility for defeat of congress in Uttar Pardesh, than why Rahul and his mother should not resign from their post for shameful defeat because they not only failed to give any respectable victory but also failed in winning assembly seats in their respective constituencies.
Actually, Congress has very bad days to come in next Lok Sabha election, in which they think that  they may have to bear heavy losses in Andhra Pardesh, Tamil Naidu, Delhi and Rajashtan due to poor performances and large scale corruption in these states. 

So, Rahul Gandhi political game was to create substantial base of Congress in Uttar Pardesh but people again  rejected Rahul Gandhi as they had rejected him in Orissa, Bihar, and Gujarat already. Actually, gandhi family is forgetting that people of India has rejected "Gandhi Brand" in Indian politics and want to vote only those leaders who have record of performance like Nitish Kumar in Bihar, Navin Patnaik in orrisa, parkash Singh Badal in Punjab, and Narinder Modi in Gujarat.
Raul Gandhi is in politics by virtue of son of Sonia Gandhi otherwise he has never " floated any new ideas or policy" in public which could change the country fate or reduce the corruption neither he could ever put any pressure on the Congress government to get the ‘Land Accusation Bill’ or LokPal Bill etc passed in parliament. 

The congress government is drenched deep in corruption from top level to bottom, and Rahul took never any initiatives to take any measure to get country rid of corruption. His speech in parliament during Lok Pal Bill’s debate was just like ‘Hit and Run’ in case of vehicle accident.
"His behavior to raise shirt sleeves and to tear off the manifesto of other parties was foolish and childish steps. The body language of angry man could not be understood by the voters that why he did acting of ‘angry man’ when his congress government at the center is responsible for rise in prices, coruption and failed to create jobs for unemployed youths. Rather the whole government is under scan of many shameful scams".
The biggest blunder of the congress government was to convert the election into ‘Communal Agenda in UP’ by giving 4 percent reservation to minorities which is very short as compare to 26% population of the Muslim in India. Muslim considered this step of congress at eve of election as biggest fraud and did not voted in favour of congress.
Actually, Congress mistook the victory of 22 MPs in the last Lok Sabha election in 2009 as success and victory of Rahu Gandhi campaign contrary to understanding the facts that Muslim in UP wanted to teach Mauylam Singh a lesson for shaking hands with former Chief Minster of BJP in UP Kalian Singh, so they voted in favour of congress candidates.
SP dethroned BSP leader Mayawati by getting an absolute majority by comfortably by getting 224 seat- more than the required 202-mark in the 403 member House. The SP has won 224 seats. Mayawati was relegated to the second position ending up close to 80 seats. 

The Congress, which was hoping to do well after Rahul Gandhi's extensive campaigning in 207 constituencies, improved its previous tally of 22 seats by winning 'merely' 27 seats The BJP, which had 51 seats, has won 47 and not feeling shame for defeat being national party.

At Poor House
No one can doubt, that Rahl Gandhi for 7 months remain in the villages and roads of the Uttar Pardesh, and as witness on TV, there was huge crowd in his whole rally. But, now it appears that political managers of Congress in Uttar Pardesh arranged the crowd after paying labour charge. 

 People at large considered Rahul visiting poor house for tea and lunch as hoax drama of prince Rahul Gandhi.
The writing on the wall is clear. National parties in Uttar Pradesh will have to restart constructing basic structure from grassroots with 'pragmatic & practical' firm policy of development''. 

The shameful defeat of national parties both Congress and BJP is failure of their 5-star and helicopter culture which poor public of UP did not like of both parties how lavishly they were wasting public money for their comfort.
Congress President Sonia Gandhi also said that we could not do best in UP due to inflation and others factors, as we had considered but did not feel to resign for comfort at party money when congress could not win even single seat out of  10 seats falling in his constituency . After election with heavy heart, she has to discard Rahul Gandhi candidature for post of prime minister after total failure and rejection of  of Rahul Gandhi in UP, and perhaps if any person in political arena is most happy is Manmohan Singh because his chair Rahul failed to capture.

 Rahul Gandhi also only took moral responsibility for defeat of congress in Uttar Pardesh but their acceptance can not boast the moral of congress workers in whole India. The postion of congress as a whole is very precarious at all front and unless congress government in center do not take  substantials step so that people in general get rid of inflation and corruption,  otherwise congress future is dark and blank in coming election in any states or in center they must bear in mind?????
___________________________________________________________________ "Democracy means- A government of the people, by the vote of the people, by the money of the people, and for the welfare of the people". Thanks

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